Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just havin' fun with the boys!

So the past week has been much better. Not that it wasn't okay before but things just feel more settled. We have gotten into a little bit of a routine, dare I say, and the kids even usually nap at the same time! Now, I am not saying every day it works out. Wow, was yesterday just cruel, Ethan just couldn't nap for anything and had a rocky night, but we made it through. As I sat in the nursery and rocked, for probably a hundred miles, I watched Tanner snoozing soundly in his crib. I just keep telling myself that it does get better and that I am teaching Ethan to be a sleeper and we did it before and we will again. I do just look at him and as tired as I am can't help but smile when he wants to party at 3 am, because you just never get these moments back again. So I am simply loving my time off with the boys and soaking it all in every day! Tanner is becoming a great big brother, even helping me throw diapers away and offering a kiss (open mouth no less) to Ethan every chance he gets. I just can't believe how lucky I am to have two healthy babies and a wonderful husband, oh yeah and my other baby Foster too! Our friends and families have just been so wonderful too, I swear I haven't had to cook once since we have been home, how lucky is that! WE ARE...just so blessed and thankful for every day!

Oh the faces! We just can't get enough.
Say cheese!
Tanner loves his books (and his paci too!)
My best friend Kelly, she loves the kids!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ethan Michael is here!

Well, he has been here for a few days now, his birthday is the 5th, but this is the first chance I have had to get on the computer and share our big news. His arrival was a miracle, having a baby is the most awesome thing I know I will ever do. What a blessing and a beautiful moment the first time you see your child, there really are not words to describe it. It's a boy! Dr. Lee exclaimed and we just we overwhelmed with joy and love. (by the way I am bawling as I type) Ethan didn't waste any time after deciding to arrive, we arrived at the hospital at 12 and he was here at 2:53, what a whirlwind. All in all my labor was about 9 hours compared to Tanner a whopping 32 hours. The doctor said the next time I better just head to the hospital a few days before my due date. A few pushes and there he was in all of his 8 lb 3 oz glory. It just felt so good to snuggle and eye him all up. Everyone is doing well, he has been sleeping pretty well and eating well. He has been fighting jaundice but that seems to be fading each day. Tanner has adjusted well so far, he likes to look him all over and touch him and most of all supply him with all of the pacies he could ever want. It will be so fun watching them get to know eachother and become best buddies. Tanner has just kept up with his banging and throwing most of all, Ethan will be able to sleep through anything! Our family of 4 feels just right and I look forward to each day watching my boys grow and interact and getting to know Ethan better.