Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The smile that makes my day!

So Ethan has just been really cheesin' it up and making all sorts of cute little faces. I was able to get quite a few of them yesterday, a pretty good photo shoot I must say. He is the happiest right after he eats, isn't everyone! He napped really well in his crib today, a first for that. Maybe it is time for the move to the nursery, we'll see. We are just having the best time lovin' him up and seeing him grow and change every day!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Am I brave or what!?!

This is my brother!

I try to be really gentle and nice.

Okay, I am done!

So I picked a time when Tanner isn't quite so "active", after he wakes up from his nap. He was sitting so nicely on the couch and he did a great job holding his little brother. It didn't last too long (nothing really does with a one and a half year old) but what a great memory! Ethan is growing and growing, his head is out growing his hair. He has been left with a bald head on top and hair on the sides, it sort of looks like he needs a comb-over, a set of golf clubs and a nice sweater vest. He is really starting to smile and coo and his eyes just look right into yours, it melts my heart, it is like he is saying I love you Mommy. He will be seven weeks already this Thursday, it has gone so fast already. I did have anxiety about managing both of the kids, it is a true juggling act and some days are definitely better that others. I must say that I am pretty proud of myself for maintaining my cool (most of the time) keeping up with all of the house stuff and most importantly loving and caring for my kids. I just can't wait to see them become buddies and interact more as they grow. I am only a part of this "smooth" operation though, Mike has been great, lending a hand and always being a great support and help and our families and friends are so supportive and just terrific! I am so thankful for each day and we truly are so blessed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tanner's First Haircut

So Tanner had his first haircut on Thursday of last week. He was getting pretty shaggy but Mommy was holding on to those baby curls for as long as she could. He was so good, mostly because he was scared to death though. My best friend Kelly's father-in-law is a barber so it was nice to go to someone we know and who was patient with all of the picture taking. Tanner even got a certificate and a candy bar and everything, he was a really good boy. I couldn't get a picture without the paci though, he was holding on to it for dear life! He looks like such a little boy now I just love it! Jim did a great job! I havn't gotten a good picture yet of the new do, still working on that.