Well, getting back to work has been just CRAZY! It seems that the laundry is never ending, the house is never clean but I can't really say that I am letting it get to me. I always think to myself that the kids aren't going to remember if the house was clean or there was no dog hair in the corners, they are going to remember playing in the yard after dinner and spending time as a family. It is my goal to try not to focus on all of that everyday stuff that doesn't really matter. So far, so good. We are doing great, the kids are loving their time at Grandma's everyday. Ethan has adjusted so well, I was worried for nothing. He only eats twice, which is so great, and has been napping pretty well. He won't sleep in the pack n play though. Andrea has this corny little seat he likes to sleep in, kind of like a car seat. It is old and ugly but he loves it, he loves to be all snuggled when he sleeps. I finally figured out that he likes the sleep positioner at night, he keeps his arms bent and his hands up by his face. He goes down around 8ish (usually I fall asleep in the rocker too) and he wakes to eat anywhere from 3-4, and goes right back to sleep. Caffine has become my friend, I know he is doing great but it is rough getting up at night. Only a few more weeks and it is summer break, I can't wait to be back home with the kids. I can't believe Ethan is already three months (almost 4), it just goes so fast. He is a happy little guy, giggling and cooing all of the time. He loves to sit and nose around, he loves the Bumbo chair too. His fingers are his very favorite, they are always in his mouth. Tanner will get real close to his face and say "Hi" in this cute little voice, priceless! He has learned the itsy bitsy spider too, twisting his chubby little fingers as the spider goes up the waterspout, a dinner time favorite! So fun, WE ARE enjoying every milestone and loving every minute with them, our boys are the best!

Mommy's little helper in the garden
Ethan is so close to rolling all the way over
Our first picnic lunch in the yard