Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sun drenched memories

What a beautiful week it has been and we are loving it up! I think Tanner may have had the best day of his two little years on Tuesday. We went to a beautiful park called Raystown Lake on Tuesday. My best friends parents were camping there and invited us to spend the day. We started off with a 1 hour cruise around the lake on a huge houseboat. ( I had to nurse Ethan on the boat, a first for me, quite interesting!) Next we went to eat lunch at the campsite then and off to the beach we went for swimming and digging. Then came feeding fish, playground time, eating more, fishing, playing, on and on. It was the best day and the kids were great, even with no nap for Tanner. I think we weren't even 2 minutes out of the park and they were both sound asleep, not another peep for the hour drive home.

BTW-Busted out and shined up the exersaucer for Ethan. I think he could spend the day in that thing, he loves it! It is an old hand me down from a friend at work but it has the coolest gadgets on it. Exersaucer on little buddy!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Are you cereal?

Yup, Ethan tried some rice cereal for the first time today. Tanner spent the day at Grandma's so I decided with a quiet and calm house today was the day. He did great, a little irritated at the slowness of the whole process but all in all he was lovin' it! It was so funny, he kept sticking his thumb in there like "am I not supposed to be sucking right now?" Our highchair reclines but it was still a little awkward for him, he did much better in the Bumbo this evening. (I love those chairs, my friends 5 year old daughter explained "it is called a Bumbo beacause that's where your bum goes!" love it!) So, it looks like game on for feeding, can't wait to start shmushing stuff up again, gotta find that food mill. He is rolling and rolling all over the place and very curious of his surroundings. You can tell he just can't wait to keep up with his brother. Tanner is just so funny too these days. He is still not really talking yet, says a lot of words and knows exactly what you are telling him, but hasn't come up with any strings of words yet. He knows exactly what he is saying though, but it is all dutch to me. He is such a boy; bruises, scrapes, dirt under the nails. Most times there is never a tear shed for any of these injuries, we barely ever even know he got hurt unless we see it happen. I am enjoying my time at home with them so very much. Tanner and I signed up for story time at the library on Wednesdays, I am really looking forward to that. Ethan has a Dr. appt on Monday too, so I am really excited to see his stats! So, more to report next week. It is funny the things we get excited about and look forward to, the life of a Mommy but I wouldn't trade it for anything!