So Tanner had his first haircut on Thursday of last week. He was getting pretty shaggy but Mommy was holding on to those baby curls for as long as she could. He was so good, mostly because he was scared to death though. My best friend Kelly's father-in-law is a barber so it was nice to go to someone we know and who was patient with all of the picture taking. Tanner even got a certificate and a candy bar and everything, he was a really good boy. I couldn't get a picture without the paci though, he was holding on to it for dear life! He looks like such a little boy now I just love it! Jim did a great job! I havn't gotten a good picture yet of the new do, still working on that.
colorado 9/17-24, 2011
13 years ago
he's so damn cute! what a little man! miss you!! by the way, when are you going back to school, or are you??
thanks for the comment! i think she's pretty cute, too! karl made the invitations. i don't know what i'd do without him and his computer knowledge....i'd be spending a lot of money on store bought invites :) she will probably be in 12-18 months for the summer and early fall. anything after that will probably be 18 months. she's still in some 6-9 month stuff now, but she's moving into the 9-12 month stuff slowly. pants are long on her, so most of her 6-9 months pants still fit pretty well!
how are the boys?
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