July has just flown by huh! We are having a great time together this summer despite the not so great weather. We enjoy the coolness outside but not the yucky rain. Did you know that our average daily temp for July as of now is only a tenth of a degree warmer than Fairbanks Alaska! Anyway, Tanner got an awesome new sandbox for his birthday handmade by his PapPap. I love it because I can fit in it with him to play. He spends a lot of time these days digging and filling his trucks and finding every place he possibly can to hide sand. Ethan is just the happiest baby! He is eating so well, everything from roast beef dinner to spaghetti, he loves food! If he were one of the dwarfs he would definitely be smiley. He bears that gummy smile every chance he gets, especially when his doggy or big brother catch his eye. He has grown and changed so much. He is sleeping so well, about 9 hours every night, and taking 2 about 2 hour naps every day! He even wakes up happy from his naps and just lays in his crib and babbles around. I still look at the kids and I can't believe I am a Mom of two beautiful, healthy boys. I wonder how I ever got so lucky, I just feel so blessed and my heart feels so full every time I think about them.

oh my god, ethan's smile is so damn cute!!! love it!! tanner looks like he's having a fine time just hanging out in his sandbox. so, what are your plans for this weekend?? when are you coming to eastern pa?? miss you!!
ahhhhh! i can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
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